회장단 소개

국제회장최중열(DR. JUNG-YUL CHOI)
최중열 국제회장은 대한민국 부산 출신으로, 2019년 7월 5일 부터 7월 9일 까지 개최된 제102회 이탈리아 밀라노 국제대회에서 국제라이온스협회의 국제회장으로 선출되었다. 1977년부터 부산 제일 라이온스클럽의 회원으로 활동해 온 최중열 국제회장은 클럽회장, 사무총장, 지구총재 및 국제이사 등 협회 내 여러 중요한 직책을 수행해왔다. 또한 당선총재 그룹 리더로 여러차례 활동하였으며 국제협회 이사회 구성원으로서 11개의 위원회에 참여하였다. 그리고 2000년에 열린 제39회 OSEAL 포럼의 의장직을 수행하였으며, 2012년 라이온스 역사상 가장 큰 대회인 제95회 부산 라이온스 국제대회의 집행위원회 의장직을 수행하였다.
최 회장은 모범적인 봉사활동 공로를 인정받아 인도주의 파트너십, 시니어 마스터키 상, 100% 지구총재상, 다수의 국제회장 리더십상, 다수의 국제회장상 그리고 협회가 수여하는 최고의 영예상인 친선대사상 등을 수상했다. 최 회장은 또한 프로그래시브 멜빈 존스 펠로우로서 기부의 솔선수범이 되고 있다. 라이온스 활동과 더불어, 최 회장은 국제 무역 회사인 Koala Company, Ltd.의 최고경영자로 일하고 있으며, 부산 스포츠 협회의 이사직도 역임했다. 최 회장은 부인 양승복 여사 사이에 1남 4녀 및 손녀 두 명을 두고 있다.

직전 국제회장 & LCIF 이사장구드런 잉바도티어(GUDRUN YNGVADOTTIR)
Gudrun Yngvadottir, from Gardabaer, Iceland, was elected to serve as international president of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 101st International Convention, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 29 through July 3, 2018. As of July 9, 2019, she will serve as Chairperson for the foundation through June 30, 2020.
Past President Yngvadottir is a biomedical scientist and has worked in research, education and management. Since 1990 she has worked at the University of Iceland as Vice Director at the Institute of Continuing Education.
A member of the Gardabaejar Eik Lions Club since 1992, Past President Yngvadottir has held many offices within the association, including district governor council chairperson. She has dedicated her service to children and youth; membership and leadership development; health and environmental projects and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).
Past President Yngvadottir served as international director 2010-2012 on the Leadership Committee, as chairperson the second year; 2011-2013 on the Women’s Task Force; 2012-2013 she was a board appointee on the District and Club Service Committee; and 2013-2014 on LCIF Governance Ad Hoc Committee.
In recognition of her service, she has received numerous awards including International President’s Awards and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest Lions Clubs International award. She is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to her Lions activities, Past President Yngvadottir is active in numerous professional and community organizations, including the Icelandic Association of Biomedical Scientists and has been its representative for cooperation between Scandinavian and European scientists.
Past President Yngvadottir and her husband, Dr. Jon Bjarni Thorsteinsson, a past international director and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have one son, one daughter and six grandchildren.

국제 제1부회장해인스 H. 타운센드(HAYNES H. TOWNSEND)
Judge Haynes Townsend, from Dalton, Georgia, USA, was elected to serve as first vice president of Lions Clubs International at the association's 102nd International Convention, held in Milan, Italy, July 5 through July 9, 2019.
Vice President Townsend served as a judge for 22 years before retiring in 2019.
A member of the Dalton Noon Lions Club since 1979, he has held many offices within the association, including club president, region chair, zone chair, district governor, district librarian, multiple district leadership chair and international director. He served on the international board from 2009 to 2011, as chair of the 2010-2011 Constitution and By-laws Committee and as a board appointee to the 2010-2011 Executive Committee. He also served as a presenter at the USA/Canada leadership forum.
In recognition of his service to the association, Vice President Townsend has received many awards including three Lion of the Year Awards, 15 District Governor Appreciation Awards, the Ervin-Crumbley Award, District 18-A Hall of Fame Award, numerous International President’s Awards, International President’s Leadership Awards, the association’s highest award the Ambassador of Good Will Award, a Membership Key Award and a Knight of Strength Award. Vice President Townsend is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lions activities, Vice President Townsend is active in numerous professional and community organizations. He is currently the chair of the Dalton-Whitfield Christmas Parade and was honored as the Judge of the Year by the State of Georgia.
Vice President Townsend and his wife, Donna, also a Lion and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have two daughters.

국제 제2부회장브라이언 E. 시한(BRIAN E. SHEEHAN)
Brian E. Sheehan, from Bird Island, Minnesota, USA, was elected to serve as second vice president of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 102nd International Convention, held in Milan, Italy, July 5 through July 9, 2019.
Vice President Sheehan is the founder and CEO of Rural Computer Consultants, a software development company.
A member of the Bird Island Lions Club since 1991, he has held many offices within the association, including council chairperson, long range planning chairperson, membership chairperson, retention chairperson, women’s initiative chairperson, MD convention chairperson and GLT area leader. He has also served as the chairperson of the Headquarter Operation & Finance Committee, USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Seminars chairperson, Lions University coordinator, DGE group leader, GMT liaison and board appointee to several committees including Constitutions and Bylaws, LCIF Executive, LCI Executive, USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum and the Centennial Action committees. He has been a presenter at numerous Lions events, including the USA/Canada Forum.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including Club Lion of the Year; the District 5M 4 Diabetes Awareness Award; the MD 5M Web Site Appreciation Award; the MD 5M Al Jensen Leadership Award; the Founders Membership Growth Award; six International President’s Certificates of Appreciation; an International President’s Leadership Award; numerous International President’s Awards; and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lions activities, Vice President Sheehan is active in numerous professional and community organizations. He has served as president of Bird Island Civic and Commerce, director of the Learning Funhouse and as a member of various school committees. He also received the 2011 U.S. Small Business Association Minnesota Small Business Person of the Year Award.
Vice President Sheehan and his wife, Lori, also a Lion and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have two sons and two daughters.

국제 제3부회장패티 힐(DR. PATTI HILL)
Dr. Patti Hill from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada was elected to serve as third vice president of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 102nd International Convention, held in Milan, Italy, July 5 through July 9, 2019.
Vice President Hill is president of a consulting firm. With 30 years of experience as a psychologist, she has mentored graduate students and psychologists in training. She has also championed the rights of children and youth who are deaf and/or blind.
A member of the Edmonton Host Lions Club since 1990, Vice President Hill has held many offices within the association, including district chairperson for Membership, Environment, Convention and International Cooperation and Understanding. Additionally, she has served as a committee member for the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, multinational coordinator for Campaign SightFirst II, secretary for the Lions Eyebank (Alberta) Society, Vice President of the Lions Eye Research Institute of Northern Alberta and presenter at multiple forums and conventions.
In recognition of her service to the association, Vice President Hill has received numerous awards, including several International President’s Awards. She has been honored with the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. She is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, and recipient of numerous other fellowships.
In addition to her Lions activities, Vice President Hill is active in numerous professional and community organizations. She is a member of the Psychologists Association of Alberta, the Canadian Psychological Association and the Community League. In the past, she served as an executive officer of the Alberta Association of School Psychologists and the Association of Canadian Educators of the Hearing Impaired. Vice President Hill has also served on the Alberta Premier’s Council on Persons with Disabilities.
Vice President Hill and her husband, Greg Holmes, also a Lion, have two children.